Kids World Preschool in New Orleans, Louisiana provides opportunities for parents and children to learn together about the world and each other. Join us in our preschool activities and summer camp.
Summer Camp
Our preschool offers summer camp to children between bith to 12 years old. Our activities include:
- Field Trips (Camp lasts from 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.)
- Breakfast, Lunch, & Two Snacks
- Age-Appropriate Programs & Activities
Field Trips
Our preschool has at least two field trips a month where children are transported to different places via school bus. Once a week, the kids will also have an outside water activity. The students are educated about the significance of what they are doing during the trip.
For the duration of the trip, we make sure that our student-teacher ratios are adequate. Each teacher has an assigned number of kids to look after, depending on how many kids are enrolled. Be assured as our teachers have worked in daycare centers for at least 12 years or more and are duly certified.
Discovering Great Nutrition
Our menus have been carefully designed to promote good nutrition and encourage your child’s development. All menus are based on a USDA-Approved Child Care food program. Breakfast, Lunch, and Snacks are included in your child’s tuition.
Have your kids explore the world with you through our preschool activities and summer camp.
Enjoy your quality time with your kids with our stimulating activities, just fill out our Contact Us form.